About Us
Ideal High Madrasah is a co-educational Higher Secondary Institution situated in the central area of Kaliachak – II Development Block of the Malda district. This institution was established in the year 1971 and got recognition under the West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education (WBBME) in 1972. The journey of our madrasah from Jr. High to HS Institution was not so easy as we were suffering from lack of infrastructure, faculty members, proper communication, fresh drinking water facility etc. But, the flow of Teaching – Learning Process never stopped. At the early stage, our institution was a Juniour High Madrasah. Fortunately, the demand of our locality made our institution as a 10th – Class Secondary institution in 2005 under the WBBME. After few years (2010), Ideal High Madrasah was upgraded as a Higher Secondary Institution with Arts Stream affiliated to the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. Finally, in the year 2011, we introduced the Science Stream to fulfill the desire of our students as well as entire community. Day by day, many teachers enriched our institution by giving their hard labour to build up the bright future of our students. Our existing faculty members also provide moral support beside their class lectures to make feel easy to participate the learning procedure. We always help to develop their personality for better career opportunity and also as a Social Human being by the guidance and counseling for releasing their educational and mental stress. You can join with us by admitting your child to our institution and can get an opportunity of better and bright future for him / her